Yesterday July 2ND was our 3rd Dr. Appointment, and everything looks and sounds great! We heard the heart beat again, (so neat) which was about 145-150. When we where listening the Dr. said the baby moved. Ha Ha, already bothered by us :) Seem just like Keith and I already. The baby ended up moving on us 3 times, and the Dr. had to keep finding it again so we could listen.
The best news of all is that we have scheduled our ultrasound to find out the sex and it is next week July 10Th!! Yippee, it is a lot sooner then we thought, but the Dr. said I was 16 weeks when I was there yesterday, so I was also a week off (I thought I was 15 weeks), but either way Keith and I both,(not to mention everyone) can't wait to find out what we are having.
I can't wait to find out what you guys are having so I can start shopping!!!